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PCR2 Firmware Changelog

All notable changes to the PCR2 Firmware will be documented here.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Please ask your Solution Partner or Reseller for getting a new Firmware for your PCR2 device.

Note: Versions marked YANKED have critical bugs that affect stable operation. We recommend an update at the next opportunity.

[4.1.5] - 2024-02-19


DevNonce is handled with an increment counter that is stored in non-volatile memory between rejoins and power downs. Each join request is now made with a different DevNonce. This should solve the problems with join loops.

If you see join loops, update to V4.1.5

[4.1.3] - 2023-11-21 [YANKED]


This release fixes a issue with the join process on AS923-1 networks.

Update to V4.1.5 if you see join-loops

[4.1.2] - 2023-10-20


This release brings improvements when running PCR2 on a TTN network. Reduced the number of downlinks. Join retries are with a back-off now. We also disable the radar for the LoRaWAN transmit time (from start TX to the end of RX2 window) to improve RX sensitivity.

Important: Use a power supply with low ripple voltage (<50mVpp) for external powered devices.

Update to V4.1.2 if the device has a problem joining TTN networks.

[4.1.1] - 2023-09-11


  • Fixes a issue where device did reset after 30s when radar was disabled.

[4.1.0] - 2023-06-02

PIN Lock

Use the new lock and unlock CLI commands to prevent device settings from unauthorized access.

New Service Commands

We added CLI commands to read out supply voltages.


  • Configuration downlinks are applied without an additional save command
  • XIO functions optimized
  • Antenna settings optimized

[4.0.5] - 2022-12-06

Increase stability when gateway is connected via a unstable internet connecten with higher latency.

Update if you are using Swisscom LPN (Rx2 Profiles)

[4.0.4] - 2022-11-16

Fixes a bug where the Device Profile could have been cleared after a reset.

Immediate update recommended for all users of V 4.0.1, V 4.0.2

[4.0.2] - 2022-11-09

Fixes a problem with device not starting after the update from V 3.x.x LoRaWAN® Public Network mode is enabled by default.

Do not use this version.

[4.0.1] - 2022-09-20


Do not use this version.

[4.0.0] - 2022-09-07

Unified Firmware

Starting with this version we include all device types and supported LoRaWAN® regions in one binary. You will be able to change device type and LoRaWAN® regions yourself without re-flashing the firmware, making it possible to stock devices and adapt the needed LoRaWAN® regions later.

Regions include:

PCR2-EU868 set conntype 1
PCR2-AS923 set conntype 2
PCR2-AU915 72 channels or 8 subbands set conntype 3
PCR2-US915 72 channels or 8 subbands set conntype 4
PCR2-IN865 NEW set conntype 5

Device types include:

-IN Indoor people counter set type 0
-OD Outdoor Model, 12VDC set type 1
-XIO Industrial Counter with digital outputs set type 4
-ODS Outdoor Models, Solar set type 5
-ODA Outdoor Models, AC-powered set type 6
-ODB Outdoor Models, External Battery set type 7
-ODBS Outdoor Models, External Battery + Solar set type 8

Important: When updating from a version prior to V4.0.0 the device will come up as a 'PCR2-EU868-IN' by default. You need to set the region and device type once. Please see the update instructions for details. Devices ordered from Parametric will be shipped with this inital configuration already done.

LoRaWAN® 1.0.3

We updated the LoRaMac stack to V4.4.7.

This implements LoRaWAN® specification 1.0.3 and LoRaWAN® Regional Parameters v1.0.3revA

Honey, I shrunk the payloads

Payload length has been a source of annoyance especially for customers in LoRa regions with limited airtime capacity. Config payloads (37 bytes) simply did not go through when the devices were running on low datarates.

That's why we've reduced the length of all payloads to less than 10 bytes, so they work smoothly in all major regions.

The large config payload has been replaced with an device id uplink at device startup.

Device configuration can be changed by short configuration downlinks, changing only one setting at a time. This is much easier to handle than the huge configuration string before.

New payload types:

  • DeviceID V5: 7 bytes, Port 190
  • AppData V5: 10 bytes, Port 14
  • Config V5: 6-7 bytes, Port 1

Please have a look at our payload documentation page that also includes a link to our GIT repo with example code

Sum Up Mode

PCR2 can now be used either as a totalizer or interval counter. For this purpose there is a new CLI command set sumup to switching the device's mode to sum up. This can also be done later by a config downlink.

Use the the application downlink to zero counters remotely as sum up does count up to a maximum of 65535 and then needs to be reset.

Message numbers

Application uplinks now include a message number to prevent data loss.

This counter increases as soon as the device receives a confirmed uplink ACK, which means that the data was successfully delivered. In this case the device takes the next counter value pair with a new message number.

The following server log shows a situation where the ACK from the LoRaWAN® Gateway has not been received by PCR2. In this case, the data will be resent with the same message number and up to 10 times.

be 01 00 a5 00 05 00 04 00 01
be 01 00 a5 00 05 00 04 00 01 <- ACK not received, repeated data
be 01 00 a5 00 02 00 0B 00 02 <- ACK received, new data

New CLI commands for connection monitoring

New CLI commands help finding LoRaWAN® issues:

  • lora get snr signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in dB
  • lora get rssi to get received signal strength (RSSI) in dBm
  • lora get fcnt to get last uplink Fcnt
  • lora get dr to get current uplink datarate
  • lora send triggers an uplink
  • lora set ula let you change the number of Join/Uplink attempts before device restarts (default is 10)

PuTTY compatible

CLI commands with only a CR are now accepted too. PuTTY and other popular terminal emulation programs tend to not sending CR + LF. So we made it possible to either send CR or CR+LF or mixed. Responses will always be appended with CR+LF.

Detection Quality Indication (LED)

There is a new blink code informing the user about non optimal settings or placement of the sensor.

  • LED pulses = a person has been detected
  • LED quickly flashes a few times = signal too high but person still counted

    Reduce sensitivity in this case or place the device more than 50cm away from the moving objects or consider ceiling mounting.

[3.12.5] - 2022-06-28

Small bug fix for PCR2-ODS devices.

Update if your PCR2-ODS device does not restart after connecting the battery.

[3.12.4] - 2022-05-24

New interlocking in the firmware between radar and LoRa HF to reduce distortions. Small bugfix on solar powered devices where power input reading sometimes stopped.

Update when see frozen voltage levels on ODS devices or unexpected countings.

[3.12.3] - 2022-05-13

Reduced output power on US915 and AU915 versions to reduce distortions

Update when you see unexpected countings on US915 or AU915 devices

[3.12.2] - 2022-05-06

Fixed data rates (LoRaWAN® regional parameters)

Update when you do not see config payloads on AS923, US915 or AU915 devices

[3.12.1] - 2022-04-27

Fixed a problem with delayed start of the device

Update recommended for all devices running V3.12.0

[3.12.0] - 2022-04-26

Supports Rev. 05 Radar Mainboards

Added support for new Rev.05 boards and PCR2-ODBS (exernal batt and solar) devices

Minor Improvements

Additional Documents: - Application Payload V4 - Configuration Payload V6 - CLI V3.12

[3.11.0] - 2022-02-02

With this firmware you can now choose between two radar frequencies. This can help avoiding interference with other radar sources such as alarm systems or door openers. Use this if you think there is another 24GHz source nearby. You could also use it to have two PCR2 facing each other. In this case PCR2 #1 should have channel 0 enabled, PCR2 #2 should be set to channel 1.

The stability of PCR2-ODS with integrated SBX solar chargers has been improved. We have added more checks in the internal communication between radar mainboard an SBX.

Long-term stability of person detection has been improved (FFR radar algorithm updated to V1.6.0)

Power consumption has been reduced by -20% due to optimized sleep time configuration.

New Configuration Payload V6 includes radar channel switching. But device still accepts V5 config payloads. So there is no hurry to re-write your paylods decoders if you do not need to remotely switch channels.

Following CLI commands have been replaced to be in sync with payload descriptions: - get sumltr (has been replaced by get ltr_sum) - get sumrtl (has been replaced by get rtl_sum) - set sumltr (has been replaced by set ltr_sum) - set sumrtl (has been replaced by set rtl_sum) - sbx get batt_gauge (has been replaced by sbx get batt) - sbx get pv_pow (has been replaced by sbx get pow)

Additional Documents: - Application Payload V4 - Configuration Payload V6 - CLI V3.11

Please update your encoders/decoders to the new Configuration Payload V6. Update PCR Setup Tool V6.19.0 or newer to access PCR2 with firmware V3.11.x

[3.10.0] - 2021-09-08

Autotuning improved

Finding the right sensitivity is now easier as we introduced autotuning. This can be done via PCR Setup Tool, CLI or with the new Configuration Payload V5. Autotuning will be turned off automatically after 20 detections.

Improved object counting in a wider range of sensitivity settings as well as with certain usual types of radar reflections. Asymmetric counting (more RTL than LTR) at inaccurate sensitivity settings no longer occurs.

For US915 or AU915 users we fixed the issue with config downlinks not beeing received due to limited airtime in these LoRaWAN® bands. We also updated some default values based on customer feedback to make defaults be a good starting point for most users.

Radar can be disabled by configuration downlink. This allows to save energy on solar powered devices.

Parametric JoinEUI

AppEUI/JoinEUI is now 8CAE49CFFFFFFF01 for all PCR2 in preperation for our future Join Server

Additional Documents:

Please update your encoders/decoders to the new Configuration Payload V5. Update PCR Setup Tool V6.18.1 or newer to access PCR2 with firmware V3.10.x

[3.9.0] - 2021-05-21

Autotune Mode

Updated Radar Algorithm for PCR2 indoor models. Users are now able to disable the Autotune mode. This is useful in noisy environments.

Update to a newer version if you have issues with near field counting

[3.8.3] - 2021-02-16

Fixed some LoRaWAN® networking issues for AS923 devices.

[3.8.2] - 2020-12-08

Improved measurement accuracy for PCR2-IN and PCR2-XIO devices on situations where people passing by very close to the sensor (less than 2 m)

[3.8.1] - 2020-12-01

Fixed a problem with channel masks on US915 devices. Improved the USB driver to work better with Windows 10.

No config payloads on US915 devices due to payload length restrictions. Update to a newer version if you need this.

[3.8.0] - 2020-11-06

Automatic Update of Radar Firmware

FFR 1.4.5 firmware is now included in the main firmware and will be automatically updated. During the update both LEDs blink fast for about 30s

Update if you have problems with US915 device and a gateway with 8 channels only

[3.6.0] - 2020-08-12

FFR Data Processing

Update introduces the new FFR Radar Processing. Better performance for PCR2-IN/XIO when people pass by very close

Additional Information

[3.5.0] - 2020-06-25

PCR2-ODS (Solar)

Added Support for PCR2-ODS devices New CLI commands to read out SBX parameters

PCR2 Manual V3.5.x Payload V3

[3.4.3] - 2020-06-24

Fixes a problem with XIO Downlinks

[3.4.2] - 2020-06-12

Minor bugfix with sum counters and CapacityLimit can be set to more than 1000 Update when using CapacityLimit with more then 1000 persons

[3.4.1] - 2020-06-11

PCR2-XIO devices switch to RC mode when receiving an XIO downlink payload. Update if you are using XIO Downlinks.

[3.4.0]- 2020-06-09

Extended Payload

Introduces Extended Payload with sums. PCR2-IN and PCR2-XIO are Class C devices now. Added Extended payload (Uplinks in intervals, Downlinks to clear sum) Added a XIO Payload. (Downlink to set outputs, Uplink to check result)

Additional Information

[3.3.2] - 2020-05-27

Fixes a problem with radar communication that could lead to an unplanned restarts.

[3.1.0] - 2020-03-19

First relase that introduced CapacityLimit Mode

[3.0.3] - 2020-01-14

Changed some default settings

[3.0.2] - 2019-12-24

Changed some default settings

[3.0.1] - 2019-12-19

Power consumption optimizations

[3.0.0] - 2019-12-04

First version for PCR2 Rev.03 devices