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TCR LoRaWAN® Payload Description

Important Note

The information in this section is for Parametric products as at 31/12/2023 and will not be subject to any updates in the future.

V2.2 | V2.1 | V2.0 | V1.3

This document describes LoRaWAN® Payload formats of Parametric TCR Traffic Counters used in Firmware V2.2

Changes made in this version of the document.

  • New Counter Payload V2. (Changed sbx_batt to voltage to get either DC power or SBX voltage)
  • Fixed downlink command c152 radar_channel

Payload Types

TCR devices send 3 different payloads types. Each payload has a unique prefix to easily separate them. In addition, different ports are used in each case.

Format Prefix Bytes Port Uplink Downlink
DeviceID Payload V2 be02xxd2 10 190 once n/a
🆕 Counters Payload V2 🆕 a2 10 14, 15, 16, 17 interval on request
Config Payload V1 c1 6-7 1 on request on request

DeviceID Payload (Port 190)

After TCR has successfully joined a LoRaWAN® network, a DeviceID payload is sent once via port 190.

The DeviceID payload contains device identification data and firmware version information. This can be useful in large installations to maintain a device inventory with information such as type and firmware version. If this is not needed, ignore this payload data.

Downlinks to port 190 will be ignored.

Payload Format

Byte Property Description Uplink Values Downlink Values
0 vid Vendor ID
be for Parametric Devices
be n/a
1 dev_fam Device Family
02 : TCR
02 n/a
2 dev_type Device Type
00 : TCR-LS
01 : TCR-LSS
02 : TCR-HS
03 : TCR-HSS
04 : TCR-LSA
05 : TCR-LSB
06 : TCR-HSA
0a : TCR-DLI
0b : TCR-DLE
0c : TCR-SLI
0d : TCR-SLE
00-0d n/a
3 pay_type d2 = DeviceID Payload V2 d2 n/a
4 speedclass Device Speed Class Config
00 : P
01 : LS
02 : HS
TCR GEN2 devices only
00-02 n/a
5 Future use n/a n/a
6 fw_maj_min Firmware Major/Minor Version Number 20 n/a
7 fw_fix Firmware Bugfix Version Number 00-ff n/a
8 sbx_maj_min SBX Firmware Major/Minor Version Number 20 n/a
9 sbx_fix SBX Firmware Bugfix Version Number 00-ff n/a

Total length: 10 bytes (20 ASCII characters)


DeviceID Payload
be020ad2010020000000 TCR-DLI with firmware 2.1.0, Speed Class Config 'LS', no solar unit
be020dd2020020014200 TCR-SLE with firmware 2.1.0, Speed Class Config 'HS', solar unit V4.2.0

Counter Payload (Port 14, 15, 16, 17)

Counter data is sent at regular intervals or on detection (totalizer mode).

To save airtime, the payload has been reduced to 10 bytes. This allows operation in all major LoRaWAN® regions such as EU868, AS923, AU915 and US915.

Payload Format

Byte Property Description Uplink Values Downlink Values
0 pay_type a2 = Counter Payload V2 a2 a2
1-2 data{x}_timestamp Timestamp of data, Hours (GMT) HHMM 0000-2359 -
3-4 l{x}_cnt Left-to-right counter value
x = 0, 1, 2, 3 (Cat. P, A, B, C)
0000-ffff 0000-ffff
5 l{x}_avg Left-to-right average speed [km/h]
x = 0, 1, 2, 3 (Cat. P, A, B, C)
0000-ffff -
6-7 r{x}_cnt Right-to-left counter value
x = 0, 1, 2, 3 (Cat. P, A, B, C)
0000-ffff 0000-ffff
8 r{x}_avg Right-to-left average speed [km/h]
x = 0, 1, 2, 3 (Cat. P, A, B, C)
0000-ffff -
9 🆕voltage Power supply voltage (dc power or solar power) Multiply with 100 to get mV
dc power measurement is currently limited to 6600mV due to a hardware limitation
0000-ffff -

{x} : 0, 1, 2, 3

Total length: 10 bytes (20 ASCII characters)

Ports used

Counter data are sent on different ports to indicate different traffic classes. As an example car category will always be sent using port 16.

Note: Not all payloads are used on all device types.

Uplink Port Used for TCR-xxx/LS TCR-xxx/HS
14 Cat P (People) Counter X
15 Cat A (Two-wheelers) Counter X X
16 Cat B (Cars) Counter X
17 Cat C (HGV) Counter X


Counter Uplinks
a113140001010002044e received at port 14 Traffic Category P. 1 counted from left with average speed of 1km/h. 2 counted from right with speed 4 km/h. Data Time: 19:20 GMT. Battery: 7800mV

Config downlinks are used to change device settings remotely. A key / value pair is sent to the device for this purpose.

Config Payloads are sent and received at port 1. As soon as the device receives a downlink, the setting will be range-checked and saved to ROM. The devices applies most of the settings during operation.

Note: It is a good idea to send a c1ee when you are done to let the device restart and re-join.


Payload Format

Byte Property Description Uplink Values Downlink Values
0 pay_type c1 = Config Payload V1 c1 c1
1 key Setting 01-ee 01-ee
2-3 value Value to change 0000-ffff 0000-ffff

Total length: 4 bytes (8 ASCII characters)

Application Settings

Downlinks to change application settings. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Examples
c141xxxx c141 mode Change operation mode
0x0000 : Interval
0x0001 : NotZero
0x0002 : Trigger
Switch to interval mode
c142xxxx c142 holdoff Set holdoff time
0x0000-0x0258 : 0-600s
Disable holdoff
c143xxxx c143 timeout Set auto-zero timeout in minutes
0x0000 : disabled
0x0001-0x05a0 : 1-1440min
Disable auto-zero
c144xxxx c144 sumup Enable totalizer instead of interval counting
0x0000 : interval counter
0x0001 : totalizer
Enable interval counting
c145xxxx c145 fallbackcat Set fallback category
0x0000 : Cat P (People)
0x0001 : Cat A (Two-Wheelers)
0x0001 : Cat B (Cars)
0x0002 : Cat C (HGV)
Set fallback category cars (B)

Traffic Categories

Downlinks to configure traffic categorization. This includes object size and speed of an object. If both values are in the defined range, the object will be marked to be cat 0, 1, 2 or 3.

Following tables shows default categories enabled by device type. However it is possible to enable all categories on all types.

P People X X
A Two Wheelers X X X X
B Cars X X
C Trucks X X

Cat P

Following downlinks are used to configure people detection filters. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c101xxxx c101 cat_p_enabled Enable Category P
0x0000 : disabled
0x0001 : enabled

Enable people counting
c104xxxx c104 cat_p_min_size Change min object size of category P
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set min object size to 1cm
c105xxxx c105 cat_p_max_size Change max object size of category P
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set max object size to 100cm
c106xxxx c106 cat_p_min_speed Change min object speed of category P
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 1km/h
c107xxxx c107 cat_p_max_speed Change max object speed of category P
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 7km/h

Cat A

Following downlinks are used to configure detection of bicycles or motorbikes. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c111xxxx c111 cat_a_enabled Enable Category A
0x0000 : disabled
0x0001 : enabled

Enable bike counting
c114xxxx c114 cat_a_min_size Change min object size of category A
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set min object size to 100cm
c115xxxx c115 cat_a_max_size Change max object size of category A
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set max object size to 200cm
c116xxxx c116 cat_a_min_speed Change min object speed of category A
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 5km/h
c117xxxx c117 cat_a_max_speed Change max object speed of category A
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 40km/h

Cat B

Following downlinks are used to configure detection of cars. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c121xxxx c121 cat_b_enabled Enable Category B
0x0000 : disabled
0x0001 : enabled

Enable bike counting
c124xxxx c124 cat_b_min_size Change min object size of category B
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set min object size to 250cm
c125xxxx c125 cat_b_max_size Change max object size of category B
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set max object size to 600cm
c126xxxx c126 cat_b_min_speed Change min object speed of category B
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 10km/h
c127xxxx c127 cat_b_max_speed Change max object speed of category B
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 100km/h

Cat C

Following downlinks are used to configure detection of heavy vehicles (HGV). Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c131xxxx c131 cat_c_enabled Enable Category C
0x0000 : disabled
0x0001 : enabled

Enable bike counting
c134xxxx c134 cat_c_min_size Change min object size of category C
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set min object size to 600cm
c135xxxx c135 cat_c_max_size Change max object size of category C
0x0000-0x03E8 : 0-1000cm
Set max object size to 1000cm
c136xxxx c136 cat_c_min_speed Change min object speed of category C
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 10km/h
c137xxxx c137 cat_c_max_speed Change max object speed of category C
0x0001-0x0078 : 1-120km/h
Set min object speed to 80km/h

Radar Settings

Downlinks to change radar settings. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c151xxxx c151 radar_enabled Switch radar module on/off
0000 : off
0001 : on
Switch off
c152xxxx c152 radar_channel Choose Radar Channel 0001 or 0002< Set to Channel 2
c153xxxx c153 radar_sens Change Radar Sensitivity Level [%] Set sensitivity to 95%
c154xxxx c154 radar_beam Change Virtual Radar Beam Angle 30-80° Set Angle 70°
c155xxxx c155 radar_dir Change Virtual Radar Beam Direction (+30 = right, -30 = to the left) Set direction straight (0°)
c156xxxx c156 radar_ltrdist Min Distance to object from left (LTRDist)
Set 4.5m
c157xxxx c157 radar_rtldist Min Distance to object from right (RTLDist)
Set 2.5m
c158xxxx c158 radar_autotune Enable Autotune for the next 10 detections
0000 : off
0001 : on
Enable Autotune

LoRaWAN® Settings

Downlinks to change some LoRaWAN® settings. Send c1ee to apply settings an restart the device.

Write Command Read Command Setting Description Example
c161xxxx c161 lora_interval Change LoRa Uplink interval in [min]
Set interval to 10min
c162xxxx c162 lora_class Set LoRaWAN® Device class
A: 0000
C: 0002
Switch to class C
c163xxxx c163 lora_confirmed Set uplink mode
unconfirmed: 0000
confirmed: 0001
Disable confirmed uplinks

Device Control Commands

These downlinks are used to execute commands on the device

Command Description Example
c102xxxx Overwrite L0 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero L0 counter
c103xxxx Overwrite R0 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero R0 counter
c112xxxx Overwrite L1 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero L1 counter
c113xxxx Overwrite R1 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero R1 counter
c122xxxx Overwrite L2 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero L2 counter
c123xxxx Overwrite R2 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero R2 counter
c132xxxx Overwrite L3 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero L3 counter
c133xxxx Overwrite R3 counter
0x0000-0xffff : 0-65535
Zero R3 counter
c1cf Start configuration upload sequence. factory defaults. c1cf
c1df Load factory defaults. Next send c1ee to apply defaults. c1df
c1ee Restart Command. You will see a rejoin after sending this command. c1ee

A typical configuration sequence

Following example shows a typical sequence to change only one setting.

DL: c102000a            <- change interval to 10 min 
UL: c102000a            <- uplink showing the value has been accepted
DL: c1ee                <- send the restart command 
JOIN                    <- device restarts and joins
UL: be0200d012040000    <- DeviceID payload (port 190) after join accept received

Get one setting

To read back a single setting simply send the key without a value.

The following payload will request a uplink of the LoRaWAN® interval setting


After a while you will receive

    c102000a     // Interval = 10

Get all settings

It is possible to read back all settings at once by using the configuration uplink sequence.

To start the sequence send the configuration downlink c1cf to port 1. This will start an uplink sequence startin with setting number 00. The sequence can take up to 30 minutes. During this uplinking other data is paused. Nevertheless counting is still active and counter values will be transferred later.



After a while you a uplink on port 1 each minute


Best Practice

A few hints for implementing payload decoders. You can find code examples on our public repository

Implementing a decoder

In order to stay backwards compatible with future developments we highly recommend checking uplink port and payload prefix to select an encoder

var obj = {};

    if (port == 15 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x01) {
        // it's an Application Payload V1
        obj = app_payload_v1_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 15 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x02) {
        // it's an Application Payload V2
        obj = app_payload_v2_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port >= 14 && port <= 17 && bytes[0] == 0xa1) {
        // it's a Counting Payload V1 (TCR V2.0 )
        obj = counting_payload_V1_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x01) {
        // it's a Configuration Payload V1
        obj = config_payload_v1_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x02) {
        // it's a Configuration Payload V2
        obj = config_payload_v2_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x03) {
        // it's a Configuration Payload V3
        obj = config_payload_v3_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[2] == 0x04) {
        // it's a Configuration Payload V4
        obj = config_payload_v4_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[3] == 0xd1) {
        // it's a DeviceId Payload V1
        obj = device_id_v1_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 190 && bytes[0] == 0xbe && bytes[1] == 0x02 && bytes[3] == 0xd2) {
        // it's a DeviceId Payload V2
        obj = device_id_v2_decoder(bytes, port);

    if (port == 1 && bytes[0] == 0xc1) {
        // it's a Config Payload Response (Uplinked ACK of a Config Downlink) V1 (TCR V2.0)
        obj = config_payload_V1_decoder(bytes, port);

    return obj;

Check Timestamp

A confirmed uplink message is a message where a LoRaWAN® endpoint (TCR) is requesting the LoRaWAN® network to confirm the reception of its uplink message. If it receives a message within the first or second RX window, which ‘ACK’ flag set to 1, it will consider the original uplink message delivered.

If there is no message received, it means the network has not received the uplink. In this case TCR simply sends the uplink again and again (up to 10 times or according the attempts setting before doing a rejoin). Counter values are only reset when TCR received an ACK for not loosing data.

With firmware V2.0 we added a GMT timestmp (hours and minutes) to the payload. This works like a serial number for the submitted data. Checking this value allows the application server to determine if the ACK has been received by the device or if data is missing.

Example Uplink Sequence

Following sequence of uplinks show problems with RX path of the device. Uplinks have been received by the network. But the device did not hear the ACK.

a1 0f 2d 00 01 05 00 02 06 00   <- Message has been created 15:45 GMT 
a1 0f 37 00 12 04 00 11 05 00   <- Message has been created 15:55 GMT 
a1 0f 37 00 12 04 00 11 05 00   <- Identical timestamp (Repeated message! *) 
a1 10 05 00 12 04 00 11 05 00   <- New message 

Repeated messages apear when device did not receive an ACK.

Implementation of an algorithm

  • App Server should save the last timestamp received
  • When a new uplink is received the decoder should check if timestamp changed. (Compare with saved value)
  • If changed, save the counter values to the database. If timestamp is identical, the message is a repetition and can be ignored. Check LoRaWAN® reception path (range) in this case.

Payload Decoder Examples

Find more example code in our public repository.



PMY Systems AG, its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, "PMX"), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.

PMX makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, PMX disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.

Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on PMX's knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Paramtric products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer's responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer's technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Paramtric's terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.

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